Measures the change in traditional media stories on water impacts.

Getting data to report on this impact measure is a work in progress. This shared measurement system belongs to all members of the Our Living Water Network, so if you have any data or ideas to share with us on this measure, please send us an email at [email protected].


Closely aligned with our impact measure on freshwater awareness, understanding media trends and how media is advancing a narrative on freshwater is important to understand.

Though the top line measure is the change in volume of traditional media coverage, this measure should also help unpack whether news coverage gives an accurate reflection on the threats to and health of freshwater. As such, the end result needs to be more than just a numeric indicator but an analysis on what issues are getting coverage where in the country and how that is contributing to advancing efforts of OLW Network members to shape the freshwater narrative across the country.

5-Year target: To establish a process for, and identify, an initial benchmark for this impact measure.

Last updated November 2017

Note : Les données présentées ici proviennent de nos recherches exactes au meilleur de nos connaissances, compte tenu du temps et des ressources disponibles. On reconnaît qu'il puisse y avoir des erreurs. Ce système de mesure partagé appartient à tous les membres du réseau Nos eaux vitales. Donc, si vous avez des corrections à nous soumettre, ou des idées à partager quant à ce système, n’hésitez pas à nous envoyer un courriel. 

Media|Measures the change in traditional media stories on water impacts.
Media|Measures the change in traditional media stories on water impacts.
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