Winning Conditions & Impact Measures
Find out about the winning conditions and impact measures that provide a roadmap to achieving our results and, ultimately, our ambitious goal.

Winning Conditions

Although our ambitious goal, results and water health indicators provide a “North Star” to connect and align the Network, we still need a way to assess and enhance our collective performance. This accountability starts with the winning conditions- a set of circumstances that, when brought together, are likely to contribute to achieving the results we want to see.

The winning conditions are our theories on how we can work towards the results. We believe that the following winning conditions will make a large difference if we can collectively achieve them:

Informed People

The Canadian public understands the value of healthy water, and that Canada’s water is not unlimited, has threats to its health and needs protecting.

Engaged Constituencies

Diverse constituencies with influence engage in effective decision making and exercise authority to ensure the health of all waters.

Robust & Accessible Information

Accessible, scientific, traditional and local knowledge to monitor, assess, and report on freshwater health and to anticipate and understand emerging issues.

Nested Watershed Governance

A public policy framework enables nested watershed governance and collaborative decision-making that addresses the unique contexts, needs and opportunities that exist at different scales.

Enforced Legal Standards

Enforced legal standards that reflect sustainability principles provide consistent regulatory backstops to ensure human and aquatic ecosystem health.

Sustainable Built Environments

Human-made surroundings and their supporting infrastructure function in harmony with watershed ecosystems.

Supportive Economies

Economic systems support healthy watersheds.

Impact Measures

We need ways to measure and assess our progress on achieving these winning conditions. Impact measures are metrics that allow us to do this. Impact measures are a key part of the shared measurement system because reporting on them regularly gives us an idea of how we are doing as a Network and they also help to facilitate collaboration and set priorities for collective action.

We believe that, through the actions of organizations within the OLW Network, we will be able to see significant positive shifts in the winning conditions that will, in turn, help us achieve our ambitious goal: All Canada’s waters in good health by 2030.

Explore our impact measures and the winning conditions they relate to below.


Impact measures
Accessible Data
Open Access Hubs
Decision Makers
Watershed Governance
Watershed Entities & Plans
National Drinking Water Standards
Environmental Flow Standards
Enforceable Water Quality Standards
Citizen Legal Action
Drinking Water Source Protection
Freshwater Policy
Green Infrastructure
Untreated Wastewater
Pipeline Threats
Harmful Algae
Supporter Actions
Human Right to Water
Freshwater Awareness
Recreational Water Quality
Drinking Water Advisories
Winning Conditions & Impact Measures|Find out about the winning conditions and impact measures that provide a roadmap to achieving our results and, ultimately, our ambitious goal.
Winning Conditions & Impact Measures|Find out about the winning conditions and impact measures that provide a roadmap to achieving our results and, ultimately, our ambitious goal.
Imagine a Canada where all waters are in good health: