Accessible Data
Measures the percent of Canada’s 167 sub-watersheds where there is enough data to assess the sub-watershed’s overall health


Having access to reliable information about the health of our waters is vital to making good management decisions. If we don’t understand the health of our waters, we can’t fully understand the impact of pressures that threaten fresh water such as pollution, agricultural runoff, urbanization, natural resource extraction and climate change.

WWF-Canada has undertaken watershed health assessments of all the country’s sub-watersheds. Currently, of Canada’s 167 sub-watersheds (based on the Water Survey of Canada’s "sub-drainage" areas), only 57 (34%) have sufficient, accessible data to assess overall health.

As WWF-Canada states, “Canadians deserve to know the state of their country’s watersheds.” Unfortunately, we are not collecting enough water data to give an accurate picture of watershed health across the country. As a result, for the majority of the country, we are unequipped to make decisions informed by good data.

5-Year target: Working with the Our Living Waters Network and other local data collection and reporting initiatives across Canada, we want to see at least 50% of Canada’s 167 sub-watersheds have sufficient data to assess their overall health.

Last updated June 2017

Our Living Waters Network Members leading this conversation:

If you would like to be part of this conversation, email us at [email protected].

Note : Les données présentées ici proviennent de nos recherches exactes au meilleur de nos connaissances, compte tenu du temps et des ressources disponibles. On reconnaît qu'il puisse y avoir des erreurs. Ce système de mesure partagé appartient à tous les membres du réseau Nos eaux vitales. Donc, si vous avez des corrections à nous soumettre, ou des idées à partager quant à ce système, n’hésitez pas à nous envoyer un courriel. 

Accessible Data|Measures the percent of Canada’s 167 sub-watersheds where there is enough data to assess the sub-watershed’s overall health
Accessible Data|Measures the percent of Canada’s 167 sub-watersheds where there is enough data to assess the sub-watershed’s overall health
Imagine a Canada where all waters are in good health: